Melaleuca FiberWise Gluten Free Peach Drink Mix

 Introduction to Melaleuca FiberWise Gluten Free Peach Drink Mix

Melaleuca is a health and wellness company that produces various health supplements and other products. One of their popular products is the FiberWise Gluten Free Peach Drink Mix. This drink mix is designed to provide individuals with a convenient and tasty way to increase their fiber intake and support their overall health.

Ingredients and Nutritional Information

The Melaleuca FiberWise Gluten Free Peach Drink Mix comprises natural ingredients such as peaches, oat bran, and inulin. It is gluten-free and contains no artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners. One serving of the drink mix provides 4 grams of fiber, which is essential for digestive health. The drink mix also provides necessary vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, iron, and calcium.

Benefits of Fiber

Fiber is essential to a healthy diet as it promotes healthy digestion and regular bowel movements. It also helps to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. The Melaleuca FiberWise Gluten Free Peach Drink Mix provides a convenient way to increase fiber intake and support overall health.

Ease of Use

The Melaleuca FiberWise Gluten Free Peach Drink Mix is easy to use and can be incorporated into any diet. Mix one scoop of the drink mix with water, juice, or another beverage of your choice. It is also an excellent option for individuals on the go or with busy schedules, as it is easy to prepare and transport.

Taste and Flavor

The FiberWise Gluten Free Peach Drink Mix has a delicious peach flavor that is both sweet and refreshing. It is an excellent alternative to traditional fiber supplements that can often be bland or difficult to swallow. The drink mix is also a great way to flavor your favorite drinks without adding excess sugar or artificial ingredients.


The Melaleuca FiberWise Gluten Free Peach Drink Mix is a convenient and tasty way to increase fiber intake and support overall health. It is made of natural ingredients, is gluten-free, and contains no artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners. The drink mix is easy to use, can be incorporated into any diet, and has a delicious peach flavor. Whether you want to improve your digestive health or a tasty way to increase your fiber intake, the FiberWise Gluten Free Peach Drink Mix is an excellent option.


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